5 Dishes you have to eat in the Dominican Republic

dominican breakfast los tres golpes
  1. Los Tres Golpes

The classic breakfast staple served as Mangú, fried salami genoa, and Fried Queso. Mangú is made from mashed plantain. Make em green or ripped, I prefer the green plantain. 

dominican fried chicken

2. Las Frituras coño 

Pica POLLO(Dominican Fried chicken), Chi-CHA-rron coño(Fried pork)! tostones(Fried green plantains), patele(Fried empanadas), yonikake(Fried bread), kipe(Quipe), pechurina(Chicken tenders), bola de yuca(Fried ball of cassava), batata(Fried sweet potato), however, you want it, as long as it is deep fried and crispy. 

3. Un Guiso Con Moro

Usually served for lunch, there are a variety of guisos(stews) you can try. Pork, eggplant, chicken, beef, mondongo, habicuela. Served with a side of Moro which is the Dominican version of arroz con gandules. 

sancocho dominican food

4. La Fiesta

There is always a party going on the island, I would be worried if there wasn’t. And with the party comes the party entrees. Asopao, Chivo Picante, Sancocho, Pastellon, Casabe con maní, Ron Brugal o Barceló.

I can get into the specifics of these plates in another post. I gotcha, no worries. 

dominican lunch

5. La Bandera

You thought I would forget, but no. La Bandera is probably the most iconic dish of the Republica Dominicana. Rice, Beans, and a serving of stewed Chicken. Ya tu sabe



Nopales y Frijoles, Celebrating Indigenous culture through food
