Explore Puerto Plata! 

Let’s go on a 5-day trip to Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic! $1600

Puerto Plata is one of those places that Incall home and there are so many things you can do! There is so much potential however most tourists who go only spend approximately 3-5 hours as they are chaperoned and kettled along by the flock before they have to return to the cruise ship. 

It is a shame. 

Goco Goes seeks freedom to explore as you please and to have access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise from locals so that you get to participate even if it is just for a moment in your life in the true Caribbean experience.

There is something magical about the Dominican Republic that a resort or a cruise can never provide you. There is something magical about being immersed in the jungles with your new friends sipping a cup of coffee as classic merengue plays in the distance. 

The breeze wafting the leaves of banana and cacao trees, the array of colors of the sunset as it wanes into the distance, and the calming waves of the Caribbean sea. 

Magic that you feel when you are living and thriving. Sheesus. 

Once we arrive at the Puerto Plata airport(POP), we will pick you up and drop you off at your hotel. A locally owned boutique, so you know your dollar is really truly supporting the local economy. 

At the time of writing this blog post(08/24/2022), plane tickets are averaging $280 from San Antonio, Texas, WOO!

The activities you do are entirely up to you and your desires. If you wish to beach bum the entire time, spa day your trip, or if you desire to go deep sea fishing, or hike through the jungle to find hidden waterfalls, that is your choice. 

We will help facilitate that for you so you can do these things effortlessly. Here is a short list of some of the things you can do! Boom bada bing!

Dominican Republic Vacation in the Jungle

Hike to Rio Partido or Cola de Pato

These hikes through the jungles define the word excitement, truly something any abled person should consider attempting. The waters are so blue, and the forest are so beautiful

Fishing trip in the Caribbean

Go on a fishing trip

The waters of the Caribbean are warm and clear, imagine the fish you can catch

Spa day by the beach

Have a Spa day or week

The island life can be vibrant! But it can also be healing, soothing, relaxing.

Beach Day all inclusive

Beach days for the yays

I mean, This is the main reason to visit the Caribbean, so go get that sun and sand

Ecological experience

Explore Cloud Forest

Puerto Plata borders the Isabel de Torres National Park which is a coastal cloud forest. A must-see. The mist within this foto, is a cloud.

Service work during vacation

Wish to Volunteer or support local initiative?

We work with many local projects and non-profits such as this Academy of Music that teaches at-risk youth about music.

African Diaspora, music, food, culture

Learn about the African Diaspora related to the island Quisqueya

Food, Music, Culture, Perspective. Good vibes

Party and vacation


You are on vacation, relax and have good times with good peoples

Food forest and self-sufficiency

Learn About Self-Sufficiency

We can introduce you to several local projects producing food forest and permacultural sites.

4x4 off roading

Who needs roads

Do you seek adventure? Dale pa’lla

I am providing this opportunity for $1600, and that covers 5 nights at a locally owned boutique hotel or eco-lodge, transportation, and several activities.

Let’s go on a real adventure!



How Goco Goes creates the most Incredible Vacations


Explore Bacalar!